Grape variety

Nerello Mascalese , called by the Etna winemakers Niuriddu Mascalisi, is an autochthonous vine whose selection land is the Etna area where it has been raised for memorable times on terraces of rocks and basaltic sands that descend from the crater to the sea between gorse and lava.

The beginning of its cultivation is lost in the mists of time.

Recent studies have shown that this native red grape variety makes its first appearance during the Greek colonization in the 8th century BC. on the coasts of Calabria, to move to Naxos and subsequently to Catania in 728 BC, when the Greeks introduced the cultivation of cuttings and the adoration of Dionysius, god of wine, in the eastern part of Sicily.

In Roman times Nerello Mascalese begins to spread on the slopes of Etna, becoming an interesting alternative to the famous Falerno, putting its roots in the plain of Mascali, a narrow agricultural area between the sea and Etna, in the province of Catania, hence the name Mascalese.

Nerello Mascalese is a very elegant wine which has a delicate ruby ​​red colour, quite transparent due to the presence of a modest quantity of polyphenols. Among the refined aromas, the hints of red berry fruit prevail with an interesting spicy note, all supported by a lively acidity, elegant tannins and a marked minerality that is part of the volcanic terroir. It stands out for its finesse, structure and power.


The vineyards of Etna have historically been classified into Contrade (CRU) each of which represents a different microclimate and mesoclimate of lava stratification and a distinctive taste profile.

The result is wines that have the austerity of the mountain and the sapidity of the sea and a great aging capacity.

The vineyards are cultivated at 700 meters above sea level on the southern slopes of the volcano characterized by a unique climate compared to the rest of the island.

The strong day-night temperature variations favor the development of the aromatic profile of the grapes while the different composition of the basalts from one place to another of the volcano give the wines a marked and different minerality.

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